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Homeworld 3 DLC plans announced

Collector's Edition also available for upcoming space RTS

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Gearbox has announced the post-launch DLC plans for Homeworld 3, along with a Collector’s Edition.

The Collector’s Edition ($175 USD) contains a copy of the game, Year One DLC pass, digital soundtrack, Multiplayer customization set, and 3 day early access. It also features a 14” Khar-Kushan Mothership statue, 3” Hiigaran Destroyer Figure, 1.8” Hiigaran Torpedo Frigate Figure, playing card deck, and keychain.

The developers also announced their DLC plans. The June free DLC promises new challenges and artifacts; July Paid DLC adds a new playable faction, new faction-starting fleets, artifacts and faction emblem. August Free DLC has new challenges, new artifacts and new map & system; while October Paid DLC has new playable faction, new faction-starting fleets and faction emblem. Lastly, Q4 free DLC again has new challenges, map and more new content. The Paid DLCs are included with Year One pass or can be bought standalone.

The sci-fi RTS franchise returns with Homeworld 3. Assume control and battle through fleet combat in 3D space. Since the end of Homeworld 2, the galaxy enjoyed an age of abundance thanks to the Hyperspace Gate Network. Cycles of plenty and war have come and gone. Now the gates themselves are catastrophically failing and Karan, who has passed into myth and religious idolatry, is the key to the mystery threatening a galaxy’s future.

Homeworld 3 is set to launch on PC on May 13.

Homeworld 3 Collector’s Edition

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