Most Anticipated Games of 2014
We look at the year ahead and list the most enticing titles!
Now, it is time to see how well our predictions played out a year ago. Let's take a look at our most anticipated games for 2013 and how well they scored!
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
68/100: "It's a pretty game, and occasionally even a scary game, but it's almost never a horrifying game."
Beyond: Two Souls
74/100: "I really enjoyed Beyond: Two Souls, much like I'd enjoy a good story in a TV series filled with actors on the form of their life. And that's the game's problem, it's so passive, I just didn't feel involved enough. Compared to Heavy Rain, it's rarely clear as to how or when you're affecting the plot or events."
BioShock Infinite
77/100: "Infinite is a decent shooter that derives its action from the foundations of the series. The gameplay doesn't always make great use of new mechanics. Elizabeth is not believable enough and the city of Columbia is wasted potential outside the brilliant introduction."
Company of Heroes 2
84/100: "While not the revolution its predecessor was, Company of Heroes 2 offers up a huge helping of high quality RTS gameplay for both multiplayer and singleplayer."
Gears Of War: Judgment
77/100: "This being potentially the last game in the franchise on the Xbox 360, Gears of War Judgment shows that the developers have mostly ran out of ideas. While it is still a competent shooter, we can only hope the series can return to its former glory with the dawn of next console generation."
Grand Theft Auto V
87/100: "Grand Theft Auto V is a significant milestone in gaming. And even though it's not perfect, this is a title that continues to prove one of the most popular franchises ever has still got it."
The Last of Us
83/100: "The Last of Us is a worthwhile stealth survival experience with high production values and solid gameplay design, as Naughty Dog prove once again that they are very capable of creating great experiences on the PlayStation 3."
Metro: Last Light
84/100: "Metro: Last Light improves on its predecessor in many key areas and provides a compelling, memorable first person shooter experience despite a few lingering issues."
Tomb Raider
93/100: "Lara Croft has definitely returned, and fortunately, much like its protagonist, the Tomb Raider franchise hasn't changed, it has simply evolved."
Watch Dogs
Delayed to 2014! And is again on our list.
Thanks for reading! Let's hope for a thrilling 2014 - the first full year of new generation consoles!