Most Anticipated Games of 2012
Our staff selects the 12 most anticipated video games of the upcoming year

How did we do last year? Let's take a look at our most anticipated games for 2011 and how they turned out!
Batman: Arkham City
89/100: "Batman: Arkham City is a strong follow up to Arkham Asylum. Numerous improvements have been made to the gameplay and combat system. There is also more content this time around with more villains and more diversions. Fans of Batman and action games in general, be sure to pick this game up."
Crysis 2
86/100: "Without the numerous AI bugs and respawning issues Crysis 2 would have been a serious match for the original. Instead it is just glorious and worth every cent."
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
88/100: "Human Revolution might not supersede the original but it still does plenty of things better. This prequel is a superb stealth game with an intriguing narrative that captures the essence of the original: choice. "
Gears of War 3
87/100: "This game is a must play for any action or shooter fans. The campaign is a fitting end to the series, and it would be acceptable if Epic never released another Gears title. The muliplayer modes will keep you coming back after the campaign is over, however most of your time may be spent in Horde mode. While it is similar to Gears 2, I had a lot more fun with this one."
LA Noire
83/100: "A successful attempt at something unique, L.A. Noire proves that the adventure genre is far from dead. Though not without issues, this is a great start for a hopeful franchise, and comes recommended to anyone who's tired of today's formulaic action games."
Mass Effect 3
Whoops, slipped to 2012!
Portal 2
89/100: "A worthy sequel to one of the most unique games of the last ten years, Portal 2 offers a hilarious and mind-bending, albeit all too brief, romp through the world of Aperture Science."
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
96/100: "The realm of Skyrim is a beautiful and endlessly enticing one. If you enjoy great video game experiences, then you absolutely should not miss Skyrim."
Uncharted 3
76/100: "The campaign is the weakest of the series with poor pacing, uninteresting locations and absent characters. Combat isn't as enjoyable and the platforming can be dull. Multiplayer is merely an average distraction."
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine
81/100: "Fantastic combat and imposing environments make Space Marine a game that fans of the Warhammer 40k franchise will love; third person action enthusiasts should check out."
The Witcher 2
88/100: "A deep and remarkable sequel with an abundance of choices and entertaining combat, marred by uneven difficulty and a few unfortunate bugs."