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Platform: PlayStation 4
Reviewed on PC

Battlefield Hardline

From the studio that brought you Dead Space, Battlefield Hardline promises a dramatic story presented in the style of a modern television crime drama. Play with a full arsenal of military-grade weapons and fictionally inspired gadgets, such as sawed-off shotguns, stun guns, zip lines and grappling hooks. Gadgets can be used anywhere, on every map, making for chaotic and unpredictable combat.

Battlefield Hardline Preview - E3 2014
Jun 11, 2014 02:30
We shoot up a downtown to stop a robbery in progress

Battlefield Hardline Review (PC)PC
Apr 3, 2015 09:01
An infantry focused spinoff that fruitfully exploits carjacking, aggravated robbery and mayhem
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Game Screens
Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield Hardline
Battlefield Hardline box art Platform:
PlayStation 4
Our Review of Battlefield Hardline
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Battlefield Hardline (PC) is ranked #477 out of 1992 total reviewed games. It is ranked #26 out of 111 games reviewed in 2015.
476. Broken Age
477. Battlefield Hardline
478. Mortal Kombat X
PlayStation 4
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