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Platform: Xbox 360
Reviewed on PlayStation 3

Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel is a side scrolling action brawler video game in the Sacred series. It will be released as a prequel to the upcoming Sacred 3.


1-10 of 10
SSX Xbox 360
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Game Screens
Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel

Sacred Citadel
Sacred Citadel
Sacred Citadel box art Platform:
Xbox 360
Our Review of Sacred Citadel
Reviewed on PlayStation 3
Game Ranking
Sacred Citadel (PlayStation 3) is ranked #1542 out of 1998 total reviewed games. It is ranked #122 out of 160 games reviewed in 2013.
1541. Payday 2
1542. Sacred Citadel
1543. Castle of Illusion HD
Xbox 360

Sacred Citadel
10 images added May 6, 2013 20:30
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