Apex Legends
Apex Legends is a free to play squad-based battle royale experience. Players will select from one of eight Legends - each with their own unique abilities and playstyles - and the last team standing wins.
Apex Legends hosting Holo-Day Bash event - Dec 15, 2019 13:25
New limited time modes and cosmetic items in the shooter
New limited time modes and cosmetic items in the shooter
Iron Crown Collection Event begins in Apex Legends - Aug 13, 2019 15:28
Solo mode added to online shooter
Solo mode added to online shooter
Apex Legends Season 2 is underway - Jul 2, 2019 16:47
New Ranked Leagues, new hero, and more added to shooter
New Ranked Leagues, new hero, and more added to shooter
Apex Legends Season 1 begins - Mar 22, 2019 12:50
The season of content kicks off for the free to play shooter
The season of content kicks off for the free to play shooter
10 million players try Apex Legends in first 72... - Feb 8, 2019 15:38
Milestone for new free to play shooter reached quickly
Milestone for new free to play shooter reached quickly