Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns beta weekend announced
Beta at gamescom starting August 5th, coming to pre-purchasers two days later
The first publicly accessible beta for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be previewed on the show floor at gamescom starting August 5th. ArenaNet will debut a demo showcasing a portion of the content that will be playable in the global beta test.
Players who purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will be able to play all of the content in the beta test beginning Friday, August 7th and lasting until Monday, August 10th. In this first test, players will experience the expansion’s new area, the Heart of Maguuma Jungle, as well as test the Revenant, a new profession. They can also try the new elite specializations, the new masteries system and a new endgame progression system. Players can save their progress during testing and it will carry over into future beta tests for Heart of Thorns.
The Guild Wars 2 World Tournament Series (WTS) is also taking place during gamescom on Saturday, August 8. Returning teams include Orange Logo, The Abjured and The Civilized Gentlemen from Europe. The tournament will be available on the official Guild Wars 2 twitch channel.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns currently has no release date.

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