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Platform: PlayStation 4
Reviewed on PC

Battlefield Hardline: Betrayal expansion details

Next DLC pack is coming in March for the multiplayer shooter

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EA and Visceral Games have announced that Battlefield Hardline: Betrayal is coming in March 2016.

The new DLC offers four new maps: Alcatraz, Cemetery, Chinatown, and Thin Ice; 7 new weapons; and 2 new vehicles. It also lets players customise primary weapons and uniforms with the Gun Bench Super Feature, and test them at the Gun Range. Plus, there are new assignments and legendary weapon camos.

In addition, all users will receive a base game update that includes 11 new weapons and new server presets. After the update, every Gold Battlepack you open may also contain a weapon license voucher – a Distinguished class item that unlocks an entire weapon license.

Battlefield Hardline was released last year for PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, and PS4.

Battlefield Hardline: Betrayal

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Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline

Battlefield Hardline
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Our Review of Battlefield Hardline
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Battlefield Hardline (PC) is ranked #477 out of 1993 total reviewed games. It is ranked #26 out of 111 games reviewed in 2015.
476. Broken Age
477. Battlefield Hardline
478. Mortal Kombat X
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