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Platform: Xbox One
Reviewed on Xbox 360

Bastion coming to Xbox One

Action RPG port will be out next month for Microsoft's console

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Supergiant Games have announced that Bastion will be released on December 12 on Xbox One.

The Xbox One version will be free for a limited time (until January) if you own Bastion for Xbox 360. Otherwise, Bastion for Xbox One retails for $14.99.

The game has been updated for this release as well. The main differences compared with the Xbox 360 original are that the game runs in full 1080p (versus 720p in the original), and there are more Achievements to unlock. It also includes the Stranger's Dream DLC.

Bastion is an action role-playing game, with a reactive narrator who marks your every move. Explore more than 40 lush hand-painted environments as you discover the secrets of the Calamity, a surreal catastrophe that shattered the world to pieces.

Bastion was first released on PC and Xbox 360 a few years ago, and was also ported to PlayStation 4.

Bastion xbox one

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Our Review of Bastion
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
Bastion (Xbox 360) is ranked #455 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #53 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
454. Sonic Generations
Xbox 360
455. Bastion
456. TERA Online
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