Sonic Forces will have hero customization
Seven base animal types that players can select from
SEGA has revealed the third gameplay style in Sonic Forces is a powerful gadget allowing for customizable characters.
Players will be equipping their custom Hero Character with one of a variety of powerful unique gadgets called Wispons. Wispons are an evolution of the Color Powers from Sonic Colors and double as both offensive abilities and as a way to platform through levels quickly. Along with the Wispon, the Hero Character will have a grappling hook they can utilize to quickly traverse across zones. Players can also customize the Hero Character’s looks by choosing and swapping between hundreds of accessories and outfit options to change the character’s appearance as they play through the game.
There are seven base animal types that players can select from, each with varying special abilities: Wolf, Rabbit, Cat, Dog, Bear, Bird, and of course Hedgehog.
No matter what Hero the player chooses to create, it will be featured throughout the entire game. In a first for the Sonic franchise, a character the player creates will be a key part of the story, appearing not only in cut scenes, but by being a crucial element in helping Sonic reclaim the world.
Sonic Forces will be available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, & PC this Holiday.
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