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Dead Rising 2 gets saucy magazines

On the heels of Mafia 2, Capcom partners up with Playboy to bring the Bunnies into the game

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Capcom today confirmed that it has partnered with Playboy magazine to have content from the iconic publication featured in its forthcoming title Dead Rising 2, scheduled for release later this year for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC platforms.

Players that discover the Playboy magazine in the game will receive a unique and special upgrade for Chuck Greene, the main character in Dead Rising 2. Furthermore, players will come across Playboy ads and billboards that will feature specially selected issues from the magazine’s 57-year history.

The new magazine system for Dead Rising 2, which will feature Playboy along with various other publications, is an evolution of the popular book system from the original Dead Rising game. Along with the special Playboy issue, there will be a variety of different themed magazines that Chuck will be able to pick up for bonuses to use to help fend off the zombie hordes along the way.

“The Sin City-type environment in Dead Rising 2, Fortune City, is a natural playground for the Playboy Bunnies,” said Seon King, Senior Director of Licensing for Capcom Entertainment, Inc. “We have integrated the Playboy brand throughout the game in ways that bring even more life to Fortune City and add to the user experience.”

Mafia II released a similar announcement earlier this year, also partnering with the magazine, though the content is said to be of classic origin, to match that game's timeline.
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Dead Rising 2 is ranked #741 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #56 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
740. Just Cause 2
741. Dead Rising 2
742. Dante's Inferno
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