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Dawn of War III development ends

No more content updates are planned for the RTS game

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Developer Relic Entertainment has said that there will be no more updates to their most recent RTS/Moba game, Dawn of War III.

Relic, via publisher Sega, issued Eurogamer a statement addressing the plans for the game going forward.

"While Dawn of War 3 has a dedicated player base, it didn't hit the targets we were expecting at launch, and it hasn't performed the way we had hoped since. It's been tough for us as professionals who want to make great games for our players, and for us as people who care a lot about what we do. When a game underperforms, plans need to change. With Dawn of War 3, we simply don't have the foundation we need to produce major content. We're working in close partnership with Sega and Games Workshop to determine the best course of action, while shifting focus to other projects within our portfolio," said the company.

Dawn of War III was released in April 2017 on PC, and did not manage to capture the fans attention as the game's multiplayer populace never took off.

Relic is currently at work on their next title, Age of Empires IV.

Dawn of War 3

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Dawn of War III

Dawn of War III

Dawn of War III

Dawn of War III
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Our Review of Dawn of War III
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Game Ranking
Dawn of War III is ranked #1461 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #121 out of 174 games reviewed in 2017.
1460. The Guest
1461. Dawn of War III
1462. Days Gone
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