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Insurgency: Sandstorm delayed

Tactical shooter needs a few more months, beta exteded

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New World Interactive has announced that Insurgency: Sandstorm has been delayed on PC.

Originally planned for September 18th 2018 release, the tactical shooter will now launch on December 12th 2018, and the Pre-order Beta will continue until the release of the game.

"By extending the beta and moving our launch date to December, the additional time will allow us to make significant improvements to the game with continued input from you. The additional time allows us to target a lower minimum system requirement, address more bugs, work on overall polish, gather additional feedback from the community to refine gameplay, and ensure that highly requested community features which may otherwise have had to be added post launch (such as community servers and custom games) are ready for day 1," said the developers.

The pre-order discount will be extended until the new release date and pre-purchasers still get instant access to the ongoing beta along with the 10% pre-order discount. The additional 10% loyalty discount for owners of the original Insurgency will continue to run until the end of the year as originally planned.

Insurgency: Sandstorm is also coming to consoles in 2019.

Insurgency: Sandstorm

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Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Insurgency: Sandstorm
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Our Review of Insurgency: Sandstorm
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Game Ranking
Insurgency: Sandstorm is ranked #933 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #48 out of 148 games reviewed in 2018.
932. Hob
933. Insurgency: Sandstorm
934. ADOM
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