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Platform: PC
Reviewed on PlayStation 4

Hitman 2 new gameplay systems detailed

Information on difficulty and player progress systems released

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IO Interactive has revealed new details about the updated mechanics in the upcoming stealth game, Hitman 2.

Lead Game Designer, Andreas Krogh, provided the key info on the official website. "HITMAN 2 progression system is centered around mastering locations. As you level up the Mastery track for each location, you unlock starting locations, agency pickups and new items that give you new options to take on each mission in new ways. Progress can be achieved by either completing Challenges or earning Performance XP."

Also confirmed are three difficulty levels - Casual, Professional and Master. With the latter, combat will be extremely hard and the NPCs will be more aware of their surroundings.

Hitman 2 is set to launch in November on PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Hitman 2 2018

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Hitman 2

Hitman 2

Hitman 2
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Our Review of Hitman 2
Reviewed on PlayStation 4
Game Ranking
Hitman 2 (PlayStation 4) is ranked #1618 out of 2005 total reviewed games. It is ranked #117 out of 148 games reviewed in 2018.
1617. InnerSpace
1618. Hitman 2
1619. Ape Out
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