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Kane & Lynch 2 Shipping With Steamworks

Pre-orders now live and offer a discount

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Square Enix Limited and Valve today announced an agreement to use Steamworks to power the PC version of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, making use of a host of Steamworks features and offering the highly anticipated PC title electronically to the more than 20 million Steam gamers around the world.

Experience 48 hours of hell with two of gaming's most notorious criminals in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. Kane and Lynch face the consequences when a simple job gone wrong sets off a desperate and frantic struggle to escape the entire Shanghai underworld. Ground-breaking art direction, relentless action gameplay and innovative multiplayer redefine the action shooter experience and positions Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days as the standout shooter of 2010.

All PC versions of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, will be powered by Steamworks, providing gamers with auto-updating, Matchmaking, Steam Achievements, Stats and Leaderboards. In addition, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is available for pre-purchase from today via Steam with 10% off.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days will be released under the EIDOS brand portfolio on August 17, 2010 in North America, August 20 throughout Europe and other PAL territories and August 26 in Japan.
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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
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Our Review of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
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Game Ranking
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is ranked #1424 out of 2002 total reviewed games. It is ranked #80 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
1423. Sonic x Shadow Generations
PlayStation 5
1424. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
1425. DiRT Showdown
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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
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