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Platform: PC
Reviewed on PlayStation 4

Shenmue 3 delayed

Upcoming fan-funded third chapter slips further into 2019

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Deep Silver has announced that Shenmue 3 will not meet its August launch date, and has been delayed to November 19, 2019.

Yu Suzuki commented: "Whilst almost ready, the game simply needs a little more refinement before being truly finished. We feel that the extra time we have will help us deliver the true Shenmue experience players around the world deserve."

The game's original release date was set an entire year in advance.

Shenmue 3 sees the continuation of the story-driven saga. The player controls teenage martial artist Ryo Hazuki as he investigates his father's murder. Players must explore the game's open world, searching for clues, examining objects and talking to non-player characters for information, taking them further into enemy territory, deeper into mystery, and even closer to their destiny.

The game will be out for PC and PlayStation 4.

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Shenmue 3

Shenmue 3

Shenmue 3
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Our Review of Shenmue 3
Reviewed on PlayStation 4
Game Ranking
Shenmue 3 (PlayStation 4) is ranked #1800 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #124 out of 143 games reviewed in 2019.
1800. Shenmue 3
1801. Memoranda
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