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Platform: Xbox 360

RUSE ships in North America

A new take on the real-time strategy genre, RUSE lets gamers test their deception skills against opponents

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Ubisoft has announced that R.U.S.E., a real-time strategy (RTS) game developed by Eugen Systems, is now available in North America for Windows PC, the Xbox 360, and the PlayStation 3. In R.U.S.E., a player's ability to deceive and mislead enemies will determine his or her success, a first for a strategy game.

Using military strategy and wartime tactics such as camouflaging troops, luring opponents with decoy units, sabotaging enemy plans and more, players must use their brainpower as the ultimate weapon in order to lead their armies to victory. Featuring fast-paced, addictive cooperative and adversarial skirmishes, players can test their strategic skills with up to eight players at a time.

Compatible with multi-touch technology as well as the PlayStation Move motion controller, players of R.U.S.E. can enjoy an immersive gaming experience on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 system and Windows PC with some of the latest and most cutting-edge technologies. In addition, R.U.S.E. features the IRISZOOM Engine (which allows players to quickly and intuitively zoom in and out of the battlefield) as well as a simplified interface.

R.U.S.E. is available for an MSRP of $49.99 for Windows PC and $59.99 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and is rated Teen.
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