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Serious Sam 4 released

New entry in over the top shooter franchise is out today

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Croteam and Devolver Digital have announced that Serious Sam 4 is now available on Steam and Google Stadia.

In Serious Sam 4, humanity is under siege as the full force of Mental’s hordes spread across the world, ravaging what remains of a broken and beaten civilization. The last remaining resistance to the invasion is the Earth Defense Force led by Sam “Serious” Stone and his heavily-armed squad of misfit commandos.

Play the campaign with friends in 4-player online co-op mode. Tackle primary missions and side quests in modified difficulties for an extra challenge.

The game is also planned for a console launch in the future.

Serious sam 4

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Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4
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Serious Sam 4 is ranked #1436 out of 2005 total reviewed games. It is ranked #82 out of 130 games reviewed in 2020.
1435. Ether One
1436. Serious Sam 4
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