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Sifu in development
A new fighting game from creators of Absolver
Independent development studio Sloclap has announced their next title, Sifu.
The followup to 2017’s multiplayer game Absolver, Sifu is a Kung Fu game exploring themes of revenge and redemption. Sifu tells the story of a young Kung Fu student who has spent their life training for a day of reckoning after the brutal murder of their entire family by a mysterious assassination squad.
Hunt down the murderers one by one as you explore gang-ridden suburbs, hidden corners deep within the city, all the way to the cold hallways of corporate towers. Sifu’s gameplay sits in the crossroads of two genres, beat em ups and 3D character action games.
Sifu will be released later this year on PC (Via Epic Games Store), PS4, and PS5.
Sifu in development
Sifu in development
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