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Medal of Honor Pre-orders set franchise record

Medal of Honor has set a new franchise record, hitting the highest number of pre-sell units in the franchise’s 11-year history

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Electronic Arts has announced that Medal of Honor has set a new franchise record, hitting the highest number of pre-sell units in the franchise’s 11-year history. This milestone positions Medal of Honor alongside EA’s top pre-selling action games, and there is still one week remaining until the game hits retails shelves on Oct. 12. Co-developed by EA’s Danger Close Studio in Los Angeles and DICE in Stockholm, Medal of Honor is a reboot of the storied first person shooter franchise, now set in war-torn Afghanistan. The game introduces players to the Tier 1 Operator, an elite warrior and relatively unknown instrument of the U.S. Military that operates under the National Command Authority to take on missions no one else can handle.

All of this momentum leads to the PC Multiplayer Open Beta on Oct. 4. In preparation for the Beta, players are invited to download the client starting Oct. 1 to ensure easy and quick access on day one. Find out where to download the client at The Medal of Honor Multiplayer Open Beta begins on Oct. 4 and will close on Oct. 7 at 11:59pm PST.

Medal of Honor hits retail stores on October 12, 2010 in North America (October 15 in EU) on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

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Medal of Honor
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Our Review of Medal of Honor
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Medal of Honor is ranked #293 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #31 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
292. FIFA Manager 10
293. Medal of Honor
294. Machinarium
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Platform: PC
Released: October 2012
Developer: Danger Close Games

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