New Xbox 360 Network Adapter coming
Microsoft Confirms New Xbox 360 Network Adapter, supports N wireless range
A recently uncovered FCC filing showed Microsoft was set to release a new, updated wireless network adapter for the Xbox 360. Presumably, this would allow users to stream high-definition movies and television shows. The company confirmed today that, yes, there is a new adapter, but details are still under wraps for now.
“We can confirm that Xbox 360 will offer a Wireless N Networking Adapter that will enable Xbox 360 owners to seamlessly connect with their home network with the highest wireless ‘N’ technology,”
“The Wireless N Networking Adapter will provide another choice to consumers and creates an easy way for Xbox 360 owners to fully enjoy the added benefits of Xbox LIVE. We look forward to sharing more details on this product soon. Stay tuned.” Said a Microsoft Representative.
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