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NCSoft responds to Aion Queues

NCSoft has responded to reports from Aion users of delays when trying to start the game.

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On Monday we were told about long delays when trying to start the new MMO, with some users reporting queues of up to eight hours. Developer NCSoft has told IncGamers that it believes the delays will not be a regular occurrence and that it aims to have well-populated servers.
“With the Headstart launch, we saw a massive influx into the game when we opened the servers,” said the statement.
“It’s important to remember that this initial rush is due to everyone trying to get into the game at the same time – this isn’t a scenario that’s likely to be repeated regularly since it’s really just about that initial rush of players trying to gain access to the game.
“That being said, we are actively monitoring and tracking the stats to ensure optimal experiences for players. As you well know, it’s a delicate balance between keep our servers healthy and maintaining a optimal experience for players. These next few days we will be calculating data and weighing the ideal time to open more servers. I think that the community will understand that in a game with PvPvE how important a healthy populated server is and that we do not want to go down the low pop server path…”
However, some Aion users are voicing concern that if the Headstart program resulted in delays, the full launch could be even worse.

NCSoft has said that server caps have been increased and that two new servers - one for Europe and one for North America - will go live by the weekend.
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Aion: The Tower of Eternity

Aion: The Tower of Eternity

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Aion: The Tower of Eternity
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