HAWX 2 PC Benchmark released
Ubisoft releases a benchmark to test the new flight sim
NVIDIA has released the Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 Benchmark, which can be downloaded at a number of sources.
The benchmark actually requires you to have an active ubi.com UPLAY account, along with its DRM protections (no offline benchmarks). The tool offers a few fly-by's across various levels from the game, displaying your framerate ratings and other stats. If you're interested, grab it from Guru3D or Nvidia Nzone.
HAWX 2 released on PS3 and Xbox 360 in September. The PC Version is set to release on November 16th. A reason for the delay of PC version was not given.
The benchmark actually requires you to have an active ubi.com UPLAY account, along with its DRM protections (no offline benchmarks). The tool offers a few fly-by's across various levels from the game, displaying your framerate ratings and other stats. If you're interested, grab it from Guru3D or Nvidia Nzone.
HAWX 2 released on PS3 and Xbox 360 in September. The PC Version is set to release on November 16th. A reason for the delay of PC version was not given.

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