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Platform: PC
Reviewed on Xbox 360

HAWX 2 PC version patched, causes problems

A new patch has been released for HAWX 2 on PC, users report game progress issues

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Ubisoft has announced that a patch is now available for HAWX 2 on PC. The patch adds DLC support and a number of bug-fixes. Full notes below:

1. Added DLC support.
2. The Uplay browser can be accessed after being minimized.
3. The Uplay application starts in full screen mode when the game is running in full screen mode.
4. The game restarts after the player quits Uplay.
5. The players no longer remain hanged on the "Waiting for other players" screen when they reload an objective.
6. All the rewards can be unlocked using the mouse.
7. The client does not remain hanged on infinite search.
8. The reward selection does not disappear when a reward is unlocked.
9. Various fixes.

Unfortunately, the patch is also apparently causing users to lose all their unlocks from the career progress, as reported
on the official forums. No word yet from Ubisoft in regards to this issue, but if true, it's advisable not to apply the update yet.

HAWX 2 is now in stores for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. PC version is also in stores, and comign soon to Steam.
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Our Review of HAWX 2
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
HAWX 2 (Xbox 360) is ranked #562 out of 2003 total reviewed games. It is ranked #47 out of 90 games reviewed in 2010.
561. Brink
Xbox 360
562. HAWX 2
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H.A.W.X. 2 Reveal
Posted: Jul 9, 2010 05:30
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