The Lords of the Fallen out in October
Reboot to the 2014 action RPG franchise is coming this Fall
HEXWORKS, a CI Games studio, has announced that the dark-fantasy action-RPG, The Lords of the Fallen, is planned for launch on Friday 13th October, 2023.
This is a spiritual successor to the original 2014 title, the upcoming game acts as a full reboot for the franchise. Pre-orders are live from today with the game available in three editions - Standard, Deluxe and Collector’s, the latter featuring an impressive 10’’ statue of the Dark Crusader.
Pre-orders for all editions also include exclusive Bronze, Silver and Gold Armour tincts; 3x XP items; 5x HP items; and 5x MP items.
The Lords of the Fallen will be released on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

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