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Platform: PC
Reviewed on PlayStation 5

Sand Land out now

Adventure game based on manga series is released

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Bandai Namco Entertainment has announced that Sand Land, a new action RPG based on the manga by Akira Toriyama, creator of DRAGON BALL and DR. SLUMP, is now available worldwide.

The first game based on the IP is coming shortly after the anime series debuted for US audiences on Hulu. Sand Land puts players in a post-apocalyptic desert world suffering from water shortage and controlled by ferocious armies. Players take on the role of the Fiend Prince, Beelzebub, Sheriff Rao, and demon Thief as they set off on an adventure in search of a Legendary Spring hidden in the desert.

Sand Land is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

Sand Land game

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Sand Land

Sand Land

Sand Land
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Our Review of Sand Land
Reviewed on PlayStation 5
Game Ranking
Sand Land (PlayStation 5) is ranked #1297 out of 1992 total reviewed games. It is ranked #45 out of 80 games reviewed in 2024.
1296. SteamWorld Build
1297. Sand Land
1298. Dystopika
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