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Guild Wars 2 Closed Beta set for this year

The official FAQ gets an update that provides a timeline for the development of the MMO

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ArenaNet has updated the official Guild Wars 2 FAQ page to include a new estimated timeline for the game's development.

FAQ question related to the Beta of the MMO now reads: "We will be conducting small closed alpha and beta tests in 2011. The feedback from these tests will determine when we will do public beta tests and ship the game."

GW2 Guru picked up on this story, ArenaNet representatives added: "The existence of friends and family closed alpha and closed beta this year has changed nothing about the release date. The release date continues to be: when the game is ready."

As this is a closed beta, fans shouldn't expect any signups or applications. Guild Wars 2 is being developed for PC.
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Guild Wars 2 is ranked #100 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #12 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
100. Guild Wars 2
101. Crysis 2
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