Mass Effect 3 delayed to 2012
BioWare confirms the next chapter in the RPG franchise won't be here this year
BioWare has confirmed on the official forums that Mass Effect 3, the final chapter of the space RPG series, won't be released this year as originally planned.
"Today we have confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone’s expectations." said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer Mass Effect series.
Mass Effect 3 is in development for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.
"Today we have confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone’s expectations." said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer Mass Effect series.
Mass Effect 3 is in development for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

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