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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on Xbox 360

Mortal Kombat to get Season Passes

Pass offers DLC packs at discounted price

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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and NetherRealm Studios have announced the Mortal Kombat Season Pass which will offer Mortal Kombat fans an added incentive to buy all four Add-on warriors at one time for a reduced price instead of when purchasing them individually.

The first Mortal Kombat downloadable warrior, Skarlet, will be available for download starting June 21st and will be followed by Kenshi, Rain, and an unannounced new entrant. Each warrior will come with a full move set, a ladder arcade story ending and two fatalities.

Available for purchase now, the Mortal Kombat Season Pass will allow users to buy all four downloadable warriors as a package for 1200 Microsoft points. Each individual warrior can be purchased when they release for 400 Microsoft points. Each warrior will become unlocked for download as they become available throughout the summer.

Further, in order to allow for seamless online play with the new downloadable warriors, compatibility packs will be required to download with the release of each new warrior. As an added incentive, each compatibility pack will come with two free klassic skins – the first of which are being released with Skarlet will be Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 inspired Cyrax and Sektor. Gamers who purchase the Mortal Kombat Season Pass (or individual Add-on content) will automatically get the free klassic skins when they download each warrior. Those who do not purchase the Mortal Kombat Season Pass or the Add-ons, will be able to download the compatibility packs for free and have access to the klassic skins as well.

The Season Pass is only available for purchase on Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE. PlayStation users will only have access to the individual DLC warriors, the compatibility packs, and the FREE klassic skins.
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Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

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Our Review of Mortal Kombat
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
Mortal Kombat (Xbox 360) is ranked #166 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #27 out of 95 games reviewed in 2011.
165. Snoopy Flying Ace
Xbox 360
166. Mortal Kombat
167. Soulcalibur IV
Xbox 360
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14 images added Apr 26, 2011 20:44
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