Bad Company 2 PC patch to remove DRM
New patch for online shooter to release tomorrow
The BF Blog has revealed that a patch is coming on Wednesday that will remove DRM from Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on PC.
The main goal of the update is to address stability problems with the game and performance issues, no gameplay tweaks are expected. The patch itself contains all previous patches rolled into one, coming in at 2.6GB. Steam will update the game automatically, while retail copies' auto launcher will also apply the changes without any need of user interaction.
Perhaps most notably, the patch removes the SecuROM wrapper from non-Steam versions of the game. It will also improve the chat window, memory leaks, and other fixes.
The main goal of the update is to address stability problems with the game and performance issues, no gameplay tweaks are expected. The patch itself contains all previous patches rolled into one, coming in at 2.6GB. Steam will update the game automatically, while retail copies' auto launcher will also apply the changes without any need of user interaction.
Perhaps most notably, the patch removes the SecuROM wrapper from non-Steam versions of the game. It will also improve the chat window, memory leaks, and other fixes.
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