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Platform: Xbox 360
Reviewed on PC

Syndicate not getting an Australian release

Game denied classification, will not be sold in Australia

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Syndicate, an upcoming FPS remake of a classic title, will not launch in Australia next year due to being refused classification by the rating board.

The rating board in the country found the game's content too voilent to be rated under the current MA15 system. While a new 18+ rating is in research stages, that won't stop the now-banned game from being unable to be sold.

"The game will not be available in Australia despite its enthusiastic response from fans. We were encouraged by the government's recent agreement to adopt an 18+ age rating for games. However, delays continue to force an arcane censorship on games – cuts that would never be imposed on books or movies," EA Corporate Communications' Tiffany Steckler wrote
Joystiq in a statement.

EA says it has no plans to adjust the content of the game in order to release it in the country under a proper rating. Earlier this year, The Witcher 2 was tweaked in order to pass the board, while Mortal Kombat attempted to do the same but did not succeed.

Syndicate is set to release on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in early 2012.
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Our Review of Syndicate
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
Syndicate (PC) is ranked #906 out of 1992 total reviewed games. It is ranked #84 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
906. Syndicate
907. Shoot Many Robots
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