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Tomb Raider preorder bonuses announced

Retailer specific offers up for grabs in the first wave

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Square Enix has announced the first wave of pre-order bonuses for North American Tomb Raider release. In coming months, three more rounds of content will be available for consumers who pre-order the game.

The first round of incentives is retailer specific and includes in-game and physical content. Those who shop at GameStop will get the exclusive in-game Challenge Tomb. Amazon shoppers get “The Final Hours Edition” of the game, which contains an exclusive 32 page art book, exclusive Hunter Skin, and The Final Hours of TOMB RAIDER – ‘Director’s Cut’ Kindle Fire Edition. Finally, Best Buy shoppers get exclusive The Beginnings Comic Book and Aviatrix Skin.

Additional pre-order bonuses available for all customers will be announced in coming months. As well, details on the North American Collector’s Edition will be made available shortly.

Tomb Raider is in development for a multi-platform release, and is slated to launch March 5, 2013.

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Tomb Raider is ranked #5 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is currently our top ranked game released in 2013! (159 in total)
4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
PlayStation 3
5. Tomb Raider
6. Mario Kart 8
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