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Wednesday February 5, 2025
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Platform: PC
Reviewed on Xbox 360

Sine Mora on PC next week

Arcade shooter will make it to PC platform

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Kalypso Media Digital has announced they will be bringing the console shooter, Sine Mora, to Windows PC.

Sine Mora, the side scrolling shooter released earlier for consoles, will be available on Steam and other digital portals on 9th November. The Windows PC version of Sine Mora features 1080p visuals and frantic 60FPS “bullet hell” gameplay combined with a unique time-bending elements.

The game was released on Xbox 360 earlier this year, and is also planned to hit the PlayStation 3 later on. For more on the game, read our Sine Mora Review.

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Sine Mora

Sine Mora
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Our Review of Sine Mora
Reviewed on Xbox 360
Game Ranking
Sine Mora (Xbox 360) is ranked #308 out of 1999 total reviewed games. It is ranked #30 out of 145 games reviewed in 2012.
308. Sine Mora
309. Sorcery
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