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Strider returns in 2014

Action platformer returns to current and next gen systems

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Capcom has announced that the ultimate ninja, Strider Hiryu, will return in Strider, a brand new title in development.

A side-scrolling platformer, Strider’s action begins in the expansive metropolis of Kazakh City, a mix of ornate Russian architecture and hard-edged futuristic high-rise buildings with sprawling energy cables and pipework. Players freely explore the city and beyond, gaining new abilities and items.

Remaining true to its roots, Strider features the same fluid, quick combat and free-flowing traversal. The game allows players to use a vastly expanded arsenal of moves and weapons to acquire and use.

The story takes place in year Meio: 048, on an alternate dystopian future of Earth. The whole planet suffers under the oppressive rule of the mysterious Grand Master Meio. An expert in sabotage and assassination, Hiryu is the youngest ever recruit to attain a Special A-Class in the hellish Strider training program, and is the only man capable of achieving the mission to eliminate Grand Master Meio.

Strider is being developed by Double Helix Games in conjunction with Capcom. It is scheduled for digital release in early 2014 on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.

Strider 2014

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Strider box art Platform:
Xbox One
Our Review of Strider
The Verdict:
Game Ranking
Strider is ranked #472 out of 2004 total reviewed games. It is ranked #33 out of 152 games reviewed in 2014.
471. Sunset Overdrive
Xbox One
472. Strider
473. Tales of Xillia
PlayStation 3
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Platform: PC
Released: March 2016
Developer: Double Helix Games

12 images added Mar 7, 2014 18:05
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