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Platform: PlayStation 3
Reviewed on PC

The Swapper makes its way to PlayStation platforms

Puzzle game releasing on PS3, PS4 and PS Vita

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Curve Digital has announced The Swapper is coming to PlayStation platforms in May.

Originally a PC game from 2013, the title is set on Theseus, a damaged space station and research facility. As players explore the station, they are able to create up to four clones of yourself and can switch between them at will in order to solve a variety of puzzles.

The game will be developed by sister company and development house Curve Studios and will be a fully cross-compatiblze title on Sony formats, including Cross-Buy and Cross-Save features.

The Swapper will be available to buy as a digital-only title on the PSN store for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PS Vita.

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The Swapper

The Swapper

The Swapper
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Our Review of The Swapper
Reviewed on PC
Game Ranking
The Swapper (PC) is ranked #30 out of 2003 total reviewed games. It is ranked #6 out of 159 games reviewed in 2013.
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